Girls tennis sweeps the Colts

On Thursday, the girls tennis team traveled to Nicholasville to take on the West Jessamine Colts.

The overall match started with Emma Young playing as the number one in singles, and the duo of Emily Messer and Hannah Bischoff playing as the number one in doubles.

Young took care of business, and won her bout 8-3. Messer and Bischoff also were able to handle their opponents, winning 8-2.

Next up was Kristine Tran in the number two singles spot, and then Emma Taylor with Katy McSweyn as the number two doubles. Tran ended her match quickly, and won 8-0. Taylor and McSweyn also won handily: they only dropped one game en route to their 8-1 victory.

The final match of the night was Matilyn Carlsen in the number three doubles spot. Carlsen did extremely well, as she won 8-2.

Overall, the Rebels beat West Jessamine by a score of 5-0.