Wrestling onto a new beginning by Luis Sanchez

From being a Sports Information Director (SID) for wrestling to a full-ride scholarship to wrestle at the collegiate level, Alyssa Pinkston. Pinkston is a graduating senior who has been a part of the BRN/BCSN team for over two years. Pinkston said she joined us because, “ When I was scheduling for my junior year, Sophie Wilson (BCSN Member) told me it was fun.” A simple and understanding reason that will later guide her through a path to success. Pinkston made an enormous contribution to the team, whether she was managing the fusion slider for the BRNNews website, cutting out newspaper pictures to put on the infamous picture wall in Coach Fei’s classroom, helping out in various positions on our BCSN live broadcasts, or being an outstanding wrestling SID, Pinkston made sure she was able to help, such that her willingness of just “going with the flow” as she mentions is what led her to change the course of her high school career.

BCSN always tries its best to spotlight all our varsity sports, wrestling was not an exception. “I was the wrestling SID because I was the only person in the class who had ever wrestled in the past. Which also meant, I had to broadcast wrestling senior night.” Which she did amazing on. While at the event Alyssa was informed that a new girl’s wrestling team was being put together. And after giving it some thought she decided to join the team and never looked back. Everything unraveled quickly after that for Pinkston. She achieved many awards and even became the captain of her team. Her dedication and work ethic paid off. Pinkston will continue her wrestling and academic career at Lindsey Wilson College on an athletic scholarship. BRN has taught Pinkston many lessons during her time in the class, her biggest takeaway was to always “be passionate about what you are working on. Whenever you’re working on something take the time to show that you care.”