Mary Couch: BRNNews Legend by McClain Denney

Absolute workhorse. That is the only way to describe Mary Couch. When Couch came to Boyle County two years ago, she was placed into BRNNews. At the time, she wasn’t too sure on what this class entailed. But, that didn’t stop her from immediately diving into the responsibilities of this workroom. Mary always would volunteer to work on broadcasts when she had the chance to. She was a producer, commentator, and most commonly a sideline reporter. Sideline reporting is what Couch says was her greatest contribution to this class. Couch said, “I believe that my strongest contribution to BCSN this year has been through my role as sideline reporter… I didn’t get the chance to contribute to BCSN during the football season due to cheer, but basketball allowed me to do both by running over and grabbing the mic just as half time approached and then interviewing the coach.” Couch did incredible work for BCSN, but in the classroom she was just as important. Couch served as the editor for the website, meaning she had to look over the articles and make sure everything was correct before putting them on the website. She looked over pretty much every article this year, which means she edited every article for every sporting event that took place the entire school year. This responsibility didn’t seem to be a burden to Couch, as she said, “I enjoy being an editor a lot because I get to actually read all of the articles that my classmates work so hard on.” For Couch, this class was enjoyable. She loved being able to help others get the spotlight and attention that they don’t normally receive. Mary Couch is one of the nicest people I know, and she is so humble and grateful for this class. Couch said that the class BRNNews helped her develop her “affinity for the English language.” If you don’t know already, Mary is like an English genius. However, her appreciation for the class goes beyond developing an amazing vocabulary. Couch said, “BRN has allowed me to be much more outgoing and confident in my leadership abilities… I have also been able to learn the importance of maintaining a certain standard and the fact that it is not scary to expect and ask for other people to help you uphold that standard.” I am lucky to have seen Mary Couch grow as a person over the last two years: She has become the most positive, hardworking, and kind person that I know, and the entire Big Rebel Nation is extremely grateful for her. Like a retiring workhorse, Mary Couch is ready to move on to her next chapter in life. However, she won’t be roaming a field and grazing on grass. Mary Couch will be attending Centre College in the fall and majoring in computer science. Thank you Mary for everything you’ve done for the past two years. Centre has themselves a good one!