Katherine LeMonds – the Epitome of Hard Work by Connor Young

When the name Katherine LeMonds is spoken, many valuable and positive traits come to mind. Her kindness, compassion, and selflessness give a mere glimpse of who LeMonds is as a person. She strives to do her best for the people around her at all times. She also is not afraid to step out of her comfort zone for the benefit of herself and others. When I hear the name Katherine LeMonds, one phrase comes to mind: hard-working.   

As a rising senior at Boyle County High School, Katherine is involved in many clubs and extracurricular activities. She is the starting pitcher for the softball team, a member of NHS, and is very involved in BCSN. Most impressively, she is able to achieve at a high level in all of these activities while keeping a stellar academic record. This illustrates her ability to work hard to achieve her goals. Without a strong work ethic, nobody can balance all of these activities and achieve highly in every activity. This hard-work carries over into the BRN. She has worked hard to help the club reach its full potential.

Katherine has served the BRN for three full semesters of her high school career. She was “recruited” by her Mom, stating “I got involved because I saw my Mom working diligently alongside the BCSN crew… She and Coach Fei actually roped me and a friend into helping commentate a volleyball game and we loved it”! Since then, Katherine has served many roles in the BRNews class, including Calendar Coordinator, BCSN Coordinator Assistant, and the Chief Information Officer. She has worked hard to be the best at each of these roles, and definitely achieved this. LeMonds stated “I feel like my strongest contribution to BCSN was my organizational skills”. In each role, Katherine was very organized in the way that she completed tasks. This allowed her to be an invaluable member of BCSN. Without Katherine’s organization and work-ethic, the club would not be where it is today.  

Throughout her career in BCSN, Katherine has upheld the values of the club. For example, she upheld the value of “being a fountain”. Katherine always was there to encourage the other members of the club to complete their best work at all times. She maintained a positive attitude at all times. When asked how the BRN has impacted her, she noted that the class showed her that “We are all people and we all make mistakes so we have to extend grace when things don’t fall out the way we want them to”. Her positive attitude allowed her to “be a fountain” and constantly pour encouragement into others. Additionally, there were many times in the classroom when Katherine was done with her work, and would be working on the next item of business even if it was not hers. She said herself that “Nothing can be done to its best without the help of others’ ‘. LeMonds knew that taking the workload off of someone else would not only benefit that person, but it would benefit the club as a whole. By constantly working hard and “being a fountain”, Katherine made sure that the day’s work always went smoothly.  

Looking back on this year in the BRNews class, Katherine was a light to every member of the class. Whether it was constantly joking with Andrew, or never shying away from making a sarcastic comment to McClain, Katherine brought everyone joy this year. She was the glue that held this group together. To Katherine, however, this was not just any group of people. She said “…that by doing things together, you quickly become a family”. Every member of the BRN family is honored to call Katherine family. Katherine’s will to work hard every single day with a smile on her face made this year special. The 2025 BRNews crew will be in good hands!