Gigi by Andrew Carr

For twenty-three out of the twenty-four hours of the day, she is known as Emily Warinner, but for the one particular hour spent in the BRN newsroom, she goes by the alias Gigi. Despite being a recent addition in January, her skills on the camera are a testament to her dedication. She is highly dependable, always stepping in when a spot needs filling, and even if she might show up late, she never fails to deliver a stellar job. Her contributions to our team have not gone unnoticed, and now she is getting the spotlight she truly deserves. 

Warinner had considered joining BRNNews for years, but due to scheduling conflicts, this wasn’t possible. She sought to take the class because she “wanted to be forced to talk to more people and feel more confident and comfortable in doing so.” Not only this, but she also wanted to implement her artistic talents to “incorporate more marketing and graphic design skills into this class.” Ultimately, she got involved because of class member Sophie Wilson. Gigi states, “When we were scheduling last year, she spent time trying to convince Kristine and me to join BRN, and from there, it was the final push to get me to join.” And this is how Warinner first became part of the family. 

The name Gigi, however, has a unique origin. During a particular swim senior night broadcast, Emily, McClain Denny, and I, Andrew Carr, were all on air. We used code names for the broadcast that night, adding a fun twist to our roles. The specifics of how the names came about are a bit hazy, but by the night’s end, Emily was dubbed Gigi, McClain was called Golden Rattlesnake, and I was referred to as Black Mamba. And so, Gigi became a part of our newsroom’s colorful history, and that name will be what I refer to her for the rest of my life.

During this short semester, Gigi has grown significantly. Her classmates have noticed how she has broken out of her shell and become a great friend to me and everyone else. She even says it herself, stating, “I gained confidence and more soft skills. Since being in BRN, I can speak more confidently and not be shy about making mistakes or feeling embarrassed when I do something different or wrong. I learned to push myself out and make new connections and relationships.” 

Warinner is an excellent asset to the class and will be greatly missed when she leaves us. She has a bright future ahead of her and the potential to do great things.