Blessed by Bo Little by Colin Wise

Bo Little, a man of many gippers, but even more kindness. Bo started his BRN News career at the start of this semester, but he has been helping out over his years of highschool. Bo was new to the functions of the class, but immediately he was given a huge role. 

Bo was given the title GIPPER MANAGER. Gipper is the website that we use to create all of our graphics for social media and our livestreams. This meant that Bo was in charge of overseeing everyone’s graphics in the whole class, as well designing many of his own. Bo not only was great at this role, but he loved doing it too. When Bo was asked what he enjoys most about the class, he replied, “I loved the satisfaction of finding a new template and fitting it to be Boyle County themed, and seeing it look good on the signboard outside for everyone to see.” I don’t think there could be a better person for the job than Bo Little. 

Not only was Bo a great worker with a ton of passion and initiative, but Bo was always a ray of sunshine in the class. I genuinely can’t think of a single time I saw Bo say something negative all semester. He always just got his work done, cracked some jokes, and kept smiles on the faces of his peers. Over the semester he “was able to realize that what we are doing is having a tangible impact on others, which shows me how going out of my way for others can do much more than one might think.” This quote from Bo shows some insight into his thoughtful and caring mind. He always was looking for a way to bring joy to others. 

This winter BRNNews was blessed to take a trip to Vanderbilt and experience a UK basketball game from the perspective of SEC Network. According to Bo, this was one of his favorite memories of BRNNews. He said, “One of my favorite things was being able to go to Nashville, and experience the higher levels of broadcasting to be able to compare to BRN.” I was very grateful to be a part of this same trip and let me tell you, it wouldn’t have been the same without Bo. 

Almost everyone associated with BRNNews or BCSN knows the name Jack Little. Jack Little is Bo’s older brother. Jack is the man responsible for getting our sports broadcasting program started and he was the leader of the pack for 4 straight years. Bo gives Jack some credit for being what got him involved with BRN. He says, “[I got involved] mainly because of my brother, I saw the joy that he got out of BRN News and BCSN…” While Bo may have followed in Jack’s footsteps, he made his own path. Bo was his own person, who brought so much to this class, and we were so blessed to have him this semester. 

Thank you Bo Little for making these past few months so great. I know neither of us will be taking the class next year, but I hope to stay involved and keep working with you in the future!