Volleyball Takes on 6 Games!

The Volleyball team took on the Rockcastle Invitational on Saturday. These Rebels got up bright and early to travel 45 minutes away to play some tough competition. They came ready and rose to the occasion.

Their first match was against Lincoln County at 7:30 am. They came out with a 2-0 win to get some good morning momentum going! They then went on to take another win against Wayne County in 3 sets. A great start for Boyle volleyball. Kendra Christopher and Charli Grubbs had a huge impact, leading the game in kills. Christopher with 12 and Grubbs with 10.

Things took a turn in their third match of the day, where the Rebels took on Russell County. They went to battle in three sets, only losing the third set by 2.

About their most prominent games, Coach Eric Kenoyer states, “We played Russell County twice. Both games were fun and intense.”

These strong Ladies kept their heads held high as they went into the next two games, defeating South Laurel and Rockcastle, both in 2 sets. The last game they played was the championship against Russell County. Kenoyer says, “The championship match was an absolute battle and our girls stepped up to the challenge. While you hate to lose those games, I was so proud of our girls and how they competed. It would have been great to win the tournament; However, I love where the team is and how we are maturing as a group.”

After 6 challenging matches, the team ended up as runners-up of the Rockcastle Invitational Tournament! Overall, the team had a total of 176 kills and 186 digs. Junior, Kendra Christopher led the team in kills (67), as well as digs (40). Sophomore Charli Grubbs really marked her territory being the second leader in kills (52).

The Rebels play again on Thursday against Garrard County at 5:30! Be sure to show up and support at Garrard!